Everything is a file 💾
With this project managment tool, everything is a file. Your todolists are .todo files and your kanbans .kanban … You can store everything local on you computer and directly in your project. For example: figures/player/player.todo, if you are a game dev and you want to manage planning of the player. </br>
Big tool set ⚒️
There will be lot of tools in idaesbasic:
- Todolist
- Kanban
- Whiteboard
- Video call
- Chatting
- Calendar
- Messanges
- …
At the moment, only todolist is implemented, kanban and calendar come with 0.9.0 beta!
Get started 🛫
(1) Downloaad and install the app for windows or linux. (2) Click on “Projects” -> “Add project” and select a folder (3) Create a new todolist via “File” -> “New” -> “New todolist” (4) Name the file and set the file location (5) Create your todos, and click on “File” -> “Save” to save them
To update the file browser, click on “Projects” -> “Project list” -> [Project location]
Free and open source 🗽
Idaesbasic is free and open source software.
- Everyone can make a pull request and we wil add the feature
- Everyone can look the code
- Everyone can change the code and built the software perfect for her / his needs
For everyone 🧑🧑🦰🧑🦱🧑🦳🧑🦲🧔🧟
- If you want to use the software to manage your personal tasks, go and use the todolist.
- If you are a big tech company and you want to manage a website, go and use the kanban and team features, and change the code to your needs.
- If you are a single person that is famous, manage all your interviews etc. in the todolist and kalander.
- If you are a single developer, manage the tasks for your project directly in the project isself and create kanbans
Apache 2.0 License
Build with javafx 💪
The software is build with javafx 17:
- Faster then web app
- Small, doesnt have a browser inside
- Less ram
- Can access your files
Version 0.9.0 Beta:
KanbanBetter todolists, ~~with date, time and tags~~CalendarWelcome screenBetter designVersion 1.0.0 Stable:
- Whiteboard
- Email managment
- Faster, Optimized
- Bug fixes
- …